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IFE is composed of a small, tight-knit board of directors, guided by an advisory board of distinguished film preservationists.


Our director and lead researcher has  spent over 20 years studying, writing, and lecturing about film history.

Hugh Munro Neely


IFE is committed to assisting America's film archives and related organizations in the search for lost films, and to educating the public about film history and preservation issues.

Our Mission


Saturday, February 24, 2018  -  1:00 PM

at the Durant Branch Library, 7140 W. Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles



Twilight of the Film Gods – A talk by Richard Mackson, award-winning photographer formerly of the Research Department at Eastman Kodak. Mr. Mackson discusses the tragedies and triumphs (some little known) of Eastman Kodak’s attempts to navigate the competing worlds of photochemical film and emerging digital-imaging technologies. He will chart the company's history from 1975, when a Kodak researcher developed the world’s first digital camera to 2012 when Kodak entered Chapter 11 as more and more still and motion picture film emulsions were discontinued.

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P.O. Box 772

Leona Valley, California 93551

Help us find Lost Films and support IFE! The Institute for Film Education is a 501(c)(3) educational non-profit organization.

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Reported: Info on films that only survive in foreign archives  
IANT Project Launched



Year Established
"Lost" Films
Found and Assessed





February 02, 2018


A GREAT BIG "THANK YOU" to everyone who donated to our December 2017 fundraising campaign. The campaign raised over $6,000, which helps to jump start our projects in 2018. Over the next few months we'll be pursuing additional grants and other options in order to find more films this year!  The Nitrate Won't Wait!!


If you haven't made a contribution already, please consider one. Visit our CONTACT/DONATE page to do so, or just sign-up to stay in touch.

May 30, 2018

San Francisco Silent Film Festival

HUGH SAYS -  From May 30 to June 3, 2018 the San Francisco Silent Film Festival will take place at that city's beautiful Castro Theater, built in 1922. As usual, SFSFF presents a stunning international program of some of the greatest films of the silent era as well as new discoveries and restorations. THIS YEAR one of those "new" films will be a "lost" silent that was first discovered by the IANT Project in a foreign archive with its fragile nitrate base on the verge of deterioration. Fortunately SFSFF stepped in and it has now been preserved and restored. The mystery title will soon be announced by the festival. Be sure to check out their website and consider attending! I'll see you there!!



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The Institute for Film Education (IFE) is a 501 (c)(3) is a California-based charitable organization dedicated to the support of film preservation, restoration and public access to our film heritage, through education and research.


IFE’s signature project, the International Archive Nitrate Triage (IANT) project is involved in the search for LOST FILMS made in the United States that have survived in foreign film archives. Since 2015, IFE’s director has located 59 American films in foreign countries, both silent and sound, that American archivists had thought lost. IFE’s report is being used today by the National Film Preservation Foundation and U.S. archives to help prioritize efforts to return these precious motion pictures to America, preserve them and restore them and make them available to new generations of scholars and fans alike.


You, too, can help us to return America’s motion picture heritage to our shores, if you decide to become an IFE donor. Whether you do or not, IFE can help you learn more about our film history.


for Preservation - Restoration - Access

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